AJ Bu's Maple Packages

Department of Mathematics, Rutgers University

Email: aj.bu131 at gmail dot com

  • qEWplus.txt, written by AJ Bu and Doron Zeilberger for deriving (rigorously) explicit expressions for the moments of Dyck and Motzkin paths
  • GDW.txt, written by AJ Bu and Doron Zeilberger explores generalized Dyck Walks, and their areas.
  • AreaBounce.txt and BounceArea.txt, written by AJ Bu and Doron Zeilberger: These two Maple packages test Haglund's theorem that the so-called Area and Bounce Statistics are symmetric for Dyck paths, and that tries for a combinatrial proof
  • qEW.txt, written by AJ Bu explores the area under various families of paths that start and end at height 0 and never have a negative height.
  • Motzkin.txt and MotzkinClever.txt: These two Maple packages automatically count Motzkin paths with various restrictions, using the "dumb" and "clever" way, respectively.
  • WarSim.txt: Simulates the card game War with various decks, replacement rules, and rules on how to handle a "war"