AJ Bu: Advocacy & Diverse Learners

Department of Mathematics, Rutgers University

Email: aj.bu131 at gmail dot com

Every student has the right to a welcome environment that supports their academic success, and I am committed to fostering such an environment. This page includes a list (including descriptions) of:

For a complete list of my teaching experiences, click here.

For a complete list of the education courses I took, click here.

Relevant Education Coursework on Diversity

  • EDUC2211 Secondary Curriculum and Instruction
  • APSY2O4l Adolescent Psychology
  • APSY1031 Family, School, and Society
  • EDUC3386 Introduction to Sign Language and Deafness

    Relevant Leadership Positions (Mainly involving the LGBTQ community)

  • President of GRADient, the LGBTQ professional and graduate student association at Rutgers University. (June 2020-Present)
  • Leader on the Spectrum Retreat at Boston College (February 2017)
  • Pride Peers Mentor and Presenter at Boston College (September 2014- May 2017)
  • Coordinator (2015) and Assitant Director of Gender Programming (2016) for the GLBTQ Leadership Council at Boston College
  • Part of Communications Committee for Allies of Boston College (September 2014-May 2015)
  • Part of Publicity Committee for To Write Love On Her Arms - Boston College (Spring 2014)
  • Going even further back, during high school, I was the co-president of the Gay-Straight Alliance

    Teaching Experiences - Students with Disabilities

  • Student teacher for a Special Education Physics class at Brighton High School (Spring 2015)
  • Volunteer Stepping Stones School (Summer 2012, Summer 2013, Summer 2014)
  • Full time classroom intern at The Winston School (May-June 2013)

    Teaching Experiences - Urban Schools

  • Student teacher for Physics (Special education) and Advanced Algebra classes at Brighton High School (Spring 2015)
  • Going even further back, during high school, I was a tutor for the Suburban Cultural Education Enrichment Program (SCEEP)