Help:=proc(): print(`Thes main procedures in this package are:`): print(`Empir(L,x,P):`): print(`qnwdK(S,K,q)`, `FRarea(S,K,q,n,N,C)`): print(`SeqF1(P,Q,R,q,x,K)`, `DerK(P,Q,R,q,x,k,f)`): print(`qnwdKTrunc(S,K,z,deg), OpeSeq(S,q,k,K2,n,N)`): print(`For details on each procedure try:`): print(`WhatIs(ProcedureName)`): print(`For the supporting procedures try`): print(`Help1()`): end: Help1:=proc(): print(`Tr(w)`, `Ar(w)`, `qnw(S,n,q)`): print(`qnwK(S,K,q)`, `qnmwd(S,n,m,q)`, `qnwd(S,n,q)`, `qnwdKi(S,K,q,i)`, `checkqnwd(S,K,q)`, `FRiarea(S,K,q,i,n,N,C)`): print(`Stat(F,t,K)`): print(`D1(f,q,x,K)`, `SeqD(q,x,K)`, `CheckD(q,x,K)`, `SeqMotz(q,x,K)`, `Motz(f,q,x,K)`, `CheckMotz(q,x,K)`): print(`F1(f,P,Q,R,q,x,K)`): print(`DyckDeriv(q,x,k)`, `CheckDyckDeriv(q,x,k,K)`): print(`MotzDeriv(q,x,k)`, `CheckMotzDeriv(q,x,k,K)`): print(`qnmwdTrunc(S,n,m,z,deg)`, `qnwdTrunc(S,n,z,deg)`): end: WhatIs:=proc(arg): if arg=DerK then print(`DerK(P,Q,R,q,x,k,f): outputs up to the k-th derivative with resect to q of the function f(x,q), which satisfies the equation`): print(`f(x,q)=P(x,q)+Q(x,q)*f(x,q)+R(x,q)*f(x,q)*f(q*x,q)`): print(`evaluated at q=1`): elif arg=SeqF1 then print(`SeqF1(P,Q,R,q,x,K): For the set of walks whose bivariate generating function f(x,q), where q^ix^n denotes a walk of length n with area i,`): print(`satisfies the equation`): print(`f(x,q)=P(x,q)+Q(x,q)*f(x,q)+R(x,q)*f(x,q)*f(q*x,q),`): print(`outputs the function enumerating the areas of walks of length 1 through K`): elif arg=qnwK then print(`qnwK(S,K,q): inputs a set of steps S, a positive integer K, and a variable q`): print(`outputs a list of length K, whose i-th entry is the enumerating function for the area of walks of length i with steps in S`): print(`Try: qnwK([[1,1],[1,-1],[1,0]],5,q)`): elif arg=qnwdK then print(`qnwdK(S,K,q): inputs a set of steps S, a positive integer K, and a variable q`): print(`outputs a list of length K+1, whose i-th entry is the enumerating function for the area of walks of length i-1 with steps in S`): print(`Try: qnwdK([[1,1],[1,-1],[1,0]],5,q)`): elif arg=qnwdKTrunc then print(`qnwdKTrunc(S,K,z,deg): inputs a set of steps S, a positive integer K, a variable z, and a positive integer deg`): print(`outputs a list of length K, whose i-th entry is the enumerating function for the area of walks of length i with steps in S truncated to degree deg`): print(`Try: qnwdKTrunc([[1,1],[1,-1],[1,0]],5,z,5)`): elif arg=SeqOld then print(`SeqOld(S,K1,q,k,K2): inputs a set of steps S, positive integers K1, k, K2, and a variable q`): print(`Finds the recurrence for the enumerating function for the area of walks of length i with steps in S evaluated at q=1`): print(`and its derivative at q=1`): print(`Uses these recurrences to generate sequences L0 and L1, respectively`): print(`Outputs the last 40 terms of the sequence L0[i]/L1[i]/i`): elif arg=OpeSeq then print(`Seq(S,q,k,K2,n,N): inputs a set of steps S, positive integer k, and a variable q, large pos. intgeger K2, and symbols n and N`): print(`returns the recurrence up to complexity (ORDER+DEGREE), k, for the enumerating function for the area of walks of length i with steps in S evaluated at q=1`): print(`and its derivative at q=1`): print(`Uses these recurrences to generate sequences L0 (the number of walks with to [n,0]) and L1 (sum of the areas of all such walks) `): print(`Outputs the the last 40 terms of the sequence L1[i]/L0[i]. In other words, the average area. Try:`): print(`OpeSeq({[1,0],[1,-1],[1,1]},q,10,1000,n,N);`): fi: end: Tr:=proc(w) local i,P: P:=[[0,0]]: for i from 1 to nops(w) do P:=[op(P),P[-1]+w[i]]: od: P: end: Ar:=proc(w) local i,P: P:=[[0,0]]: for i from 1 to nops(w) do P:=[op(P),P[-1]+w[i]]: od: add(P[i][2],i=1..nops(P)) end: qnw:=proc(S,n,q) local W,w: W:=walksnpos(S,n): add(q^Ar(w),w in W): end: qnwK:=proc(S,K,q) local n: [seq(qnw(S,n,q),n=1..K)]: end: qnmwd:=proc(S,n,m,q) local W,S2,s,W1: option remember: W := 0: if n=0 then RETURN(0): elif n=1 then if member([1,m],S)=true and 0<=m then RETURN(x*q^(m/2)) else RETURN(0): fi: else for s in S do if 0<=m - s[2] and 0<=n-s[1] then W1 := qnmwd(S,n - s[1],m - s[2],q): if W1<>0 then W := expand(W+x*q^(m-s[2]/2)*W1): fi: fi: od: fi: W: end: qnwd:=proc(S,n,q) option remember: qnmwd(S,n,0,q): end: qnwdK:=proc(S,K,q) local n: [1,seq(subs(x=1,coeff(add(qnwd(S,n,q),n=1..K),x,j)),j=1..K)]: end: qnwdKi:=proc(S,K,q,i) local n: [seq(qnwd(S,n*i,q),n=1..K)]: end: checkqnwd:=proc(S,K,q): evalb(qnwK(S,K,q)=qnwdK(S,K,q)): end: qnmwdTrunc:=proc(S,n,m,z,deg) local W,S2,s,W1: option remember: W := 0: S2 := {seq(s[2],s in S)}: if n=0 then RETURN(1): elif n=1 then if member(m,S2)=true and 0<=m then RETURN( simplify((1+z)^m,{z^(deg+1)})): else RETURN(0): fi: else for s in S2 do if 0<=m - s then : W1 := simplify(qnmwd(S,n - 1,m - s,z+1),{z^(deg+1)}): if W1<>0 then W := simplify(expand(W+q^m*W1),{z^(deg+1)}): fi: fi: od: fi: W: end: qnwdTrunc:=proc(S,n,z,deg) option remember: expand(qnmwdTrunc(S,n,0,z,deg)): end: qnwdKTrunc:=proc(S,K,z,deg) local n: [seq(qnwdTrunc(S,n,z,deg),n=1..K)]: end: FRarea:=proc(S,K,q,n,N,C) local L: L:=qnwdK(S,K,q): qFR(L,q,n,N,C): end: FRiarea:=proc(S,K,q,i,n,N,C) local L: L:=qnwdKi(S,K,q,i): qFR(L,q,n,N,C): end: D1:=proc(f,q,x,K) local g,i: g:=expand(1+x^2*f*q*subs(x=q*x,f)): add(coeff(g,x,i)*(x)^i,i=0..K): end: SeqD:=proc(q,x,K) local f1,f2,f3,i: f1:=1: f2:=D1(f1,q,x,K): while f1<>f2 do f3:=D1(f2,q,x,K): f1:=f2: f2:=f3: od: f2: end: CheckD:=proc(q,x,K) local L,i: L:=qnwdK({[1,1],[1,-1]},K,q): evalb(SeqD(q,x,K)=1+add(L[i]*x^i,i=1..nops(L))): end: Motz:=proc(f,q,x,K) local g,i: g:=expand(1+x^2*f*q*subs(x=q*x,f)+x*f): add(coeff(g,x,i)*x^i,i=0..K): end: SeqMotz:=proc(q,x,K) local f1,f2,f3,i: f1:=1: f2:=Motz(f1,q,x,K): while f1<>f2 do f3:=Motz(f2,q,x,K): f1:=f2: f2:=f3: od: f2: end: CheckMotz:=proc(q,x,K) local L,i: L:=qnwdK({[1,1],[1,-1],[1,0]},K,q): evalb(SeqMotz(q,x,K)=1+add(L[i]*x^i,i=1..nops(L))): end: F1:=proc(f,P,Q,R,q,x,K) local g, i: g:=expand(P+Q*f+R*f*subs(x=q*x,f)): add(coeff(g,x,i)*x^i,i=0..K): end: SeqF1:=proc(P,Q,R,q,x,K) local f1,f2,f3: f1:=1: f2:=F1(f1,P,Q,R,q,x,K): while f1<>f2 do f3:=F1(f2,P,Q,R,q,x,K): f1:=f2: f2:=f3: od: f2: end: DyckDeriv:=proc(q,x,k) local i,f,C,L,F,c,G,j,m: f[0]:=solve(C=1+x^2*C^2,C)[2]: F:=taylor(sum((q-1)^i*C[i](x)/i!,i=0..k)-(1+q*x^2*sum((q-1)^i*C[i](x)/i!,i=0..k)*sum((q-1)^i*C[i](q*x)/i!,i=0..k)),q=1,k+1): L:=[f[0]]: for i from 1 to k do c:=coeff(F,q-1,i): G:=solve(c,C[i](x)): G:=simplify(subs({seq(seq((D@@j)(C[m-1])(x)=diff(L[m],x$j),j=1..i),m=1..i), seq(C[m-1](x)=L[m], m=1..i)},G)): L:=[op(L),G]: od: L: end: CheckDyckDeriv:=proc(q,x,k,K) local i,j,S,L: L:=DyckDeriv(q,x,k): S:=SeqD(q,x,K): evalb([seq(coeff(taylor(L[1],x=0,K+10),x,j),j=0..K)]=[seq(coeff(subs(q=1,S),x,j),j=0..K)]), seq(evalb([seq( coeff(taylor(L[i+1],x=0,K+10),x,j),j=0..K)]=[seq(coeff(subs(q=1,diff(S,q$i)),x,j),j=0..K)]),i=1..k): end: MotzDeriv:=proc(q,x,k) local i,f,M,L,F,c,G,j,m: f[0]:=solve(M=1+x^2*M^2+x*M,M)[2]: F:=taylor(sum((q-1)^i*M[i](x)/i!,i=0..k)-(1+q*x^2*sum((q-1)^i*M[i](x)/i!,i=0..k)*sum((q-1)^i*M[i](q*x)/i!,i=0..k)+x*sum((q-1)^i*M[i](x)/i!,i=0..k)),q=1,k+1): L:=[f[0]]: for i from 1 to k do c:=coeff(F,q-1,i): G:=solve(c,M[i](x)): G:=simplify(subs({seq(seq((D@@j)(M[m-1])(x)=diff(L[m],x$j),j=1..i),m=1..i), seq(M[m-1](x)=L[m], m=1..i)},G)): L:=[op(L),G]: od: L: end: CheckMotzDeriv:=proc(q,x,k,K) local i,j,S,L: L:=MotzDeriv(q,x,k): S:=SeqMotz(q,x,K): evalb([seq(coeff(taylor(L[1],x=0,K+10),x,j),j=0..K)]=[seq(coeff(subs(q=1,S),x,j),j=0..K)]), seq(evalb([seq( coeff(taylor(L[i+1],x=0,K+10),x,j),j=0..K)]=[seq(coeff(subs(q=1,diff(S,q$i)),x,j),j=0..K)]),i=1..k): end: DerK:=proc(P,Q,R,q,x,k,f) local eq,sol,test,L,i,m,j,F,c,G: eq:=f=subs(q=1,P)+subs(q=1,Q)*f+subs(q=1,R)*f^2: sol:=solve(eq,f): test:=[type(series(sol[1],x),taylor),type(series(sol[2],x),taylor)]: if test[1]=true then sol:=sol[1]: elif test[2]=true then sol:=sol[2]: else RETURN(FAIL): end: L:=[sol]: F := taylor(sum((q - 1)^i*f[i](x)/i!, i = 0 .. k) - P - Q*sum((q - 1)^i*f[i](x)/i!, i = 0 .. k)-R*sum((q - 1)^i*f[i](x)/i!, i = 0 .. k)*sum((q - 1)^i*f[i](x*q)/i!, i = 0 .. k), q = 1, k + 1): for i to k do c := coeff(F, q - 1, i): G := solve(c, f[i](x)): G := simplify(subs({seq(seq((D@@j)(f[m-1])(x)=diff(L[m],x$j),j=1..i),m=1..i), seq(f[m-1](x)=L[m], m=1..i)},G)): L := [op(L), G]: od: end: ####### From EW.txt ######## Help1:=proc(): print(`The Main procedures are:`): print(`walksn(S,n)`, `numwalksn(S,n)`,`numwalksK(S,K)`, `findrecwalks(S,K,n,N,maxC)`): print(`walksnpos(S,n)`, `numwalksnpos(S,n)`, `numwalksKpos(S,K)`, `findrecposwalks(S,K,n,N,maxC)`): #print(`walksnm(S,n,m)`, `walksn(S,n)`, `walksK(S,K)`): #print(`walksnmpos(S,n,m)`, `walksnpos(S,n)`, `walksKpos(S,K)`): #print(`numwalksnm(S,n,m)`, `numwalksn(S,n)`, `numwalksK(S,K)`): #print(`numwalksnmpos(S,n,m)`, `numwalksnpos(S,n)`, `numwalksKpos(S,K)`): end: #walksnm(S,n,m): the set of walks of length n with steps in S={[1,b1],[1,b2],...} from [0,0] to [n,m] walksnm:=proc(S,n,m) local W, S2,s,W1,w: option remember: W:={}: S2:={seq(s[2],s in S)}: if n=0 then RETURN({[]}): elif n=1 then if member(m,S2)=true then W:={[m]}: else RETURN({}): fi: else for s in S2 do W1:=op({walksnm(S,n-1,m-s)} minus {{}}): if W1<>{} then W:=W union {seq([op(w),s],w in W1)}: fi: od: fi: W: end: #walksn(S,n): the set of walks of length n with steps in S={[1,b1],[1,b2],...} from [0,0] to [n,0] walksn:=proc(S,n) local W,w,i: W:=walksnm(S,n,0): {seq([seq([1,w[i]],i=1..nops(w))],w in W)}: end: #walksK(S,K): the sequence enumerating walks of length n with steps in S={[1,b1],[1,b2],...} from [0,0] to [n,0] from n=1 to n=k walksK:=proc(S,K) local W,n: seq(nops(walksn(S,n)),n=1..K): end: #walksnmpos(S,n,m): the set of walks of length n with steps in S={[1,b1],[1,b2],...} from [0,0] to [n,m]that have non-negative height walksnmpos:=proc(S,n,m) local W, S2,s,W1,w: option remember: W:={}: S2:={seq(s[2],s in S)}: if n=0 then RETURN({[]}): elif n=1 then if (member(m,S2)=true and m>=0) then W:={[m]}: else RETURN({}): fi: else for s in S2 do if m-s>=0 then W1:=op({walksnmpos(S,n-1,m-s)} minus {{}}): if W1<>{} then W:=W union {seq([op(w),s],w in W1)}: fi: fi: od: fi: W: end: #walksnpos(S,n): the set of walks of length n with steps in S={[1,b1],[1,b2],...} from [0,0] to [n,0]that never have negative height walksnpos:=proc(S,n) local W,i,w: W:=walksnmpos(S,n,0): {seq([seq([1,w[i]],i=1..nops(w))],w in W)}: end: #walksKpos(S,K): the sequence enumerating walks of length n with steps in S={[1,b1],[1,b2],...} from [0,0] to [n,0] from n=1 to n=k that never have negative height walksKpos:=proc(S,K) local W,n: seq(nops(walksnpos(S,n)),n=1..K): end: numwalksnm:=proc(S,n,m) local W, S2,s,W1: option remember: W:=0: S2:={seq(s[2],s in S)}: if n=0 then RETURN(1): elif n=1 then if member(m,S2)=true then RETURN(1): else RETURN(0): fi: else for s in S2 do W1:=numwalksnm(S,n-1,m-s): if W1<>{} then W:=W +W1: fi: od: fi: W: end: #numwalksn(S,n): the number of walks of length n with steps in S={[1,b1],[1,b2],...} from [0,0] to [n,0] numwalksn:=proc(S,n) local W: numwalksnm(S,n,0): end: #numwalksK(S,K): the sequence enumerating walks of length n with steps in S={[1,b1],[1,b2],...} from [0,0] to [n,0] from n=1 to n=k numwalksK:=proc(S,K) local W,n: [seq(numwalksnm(S,n,0),n=1..K)]: end: numwalksnmpos:=proc(S,n,m) local W, S2,s,W1: option remember: W:=0: S2:={seq(s[2],s in S)}: if n=0 then RETURN(1): elif n=1 then if member(m,S2)=true and m>=0 then RETURN(1): else RETURN(0): fi: else for s in S2 do if m-s>=0 then W1:=numwalksnmpos(S,n-1,m-s): if W1<>{} then W:=W +W1: fi: fi: od: fi: W: end: #numwalksnpos(S,n): the number of walks of length n with steps in S={[1,b1],[1,b2],...} from [0,0] to [n,0] numwalksnpos:=proc(S,n) local W,w,i: numwalksnmpos(S,n,0): end: #numwalksKpos(S,K): the sequence enumerating walks of length n with steps in S={[1,b1],[1,b2],...} from [0,0] to [n,0] from n=1 to n=k numwalksKpos:=proc(S,K) local W,n: [seq(numwalksnpos(S,n),n=1..K)]: end: findrecposwalks:=proc(S,K,n,N,maxC): Findrec(numwalksKpos(S,K),n,N,maxC): end: findrecwalks:=proc(S,K,n,N,maxC): Findrec(numwalksK(S,K),n,N,maxC): end: SeqOld:=proc(S,K1,q,k,K2) local L,L1,ope,L0,ope0,ope1,L0a,L1a,N,i,n: L:= qnwdK(S,K1,q): L0:=subs(q=1, L): L1:=[seq(subs(q=1, diff(L[i],q)),i=1..nops(L))]: ope0:=Findrec(L0,n,N,15): if ope0=FAIL then print(`can't find recurrence`): RETURN(FAIL): fi: L0a:=SeqFromRec(ope0,n,N,[op(,N),L0)],K2): ope1:=Findrec(L1,n,N,15): if ope1=FAIL then print(`can't find recurrence for derivative`): RETURN(FAIL): fi: L1a:=SeqFromRec(ope1,n,N,[op(,N),L1)],K2): seq(evalf(L1a[i]/L0a[i]/i),i=nops(L1a)-40..nops(L1a)): end: OpeSeq:=proc(S,q,k,K2,n,N) local K1,L,L1,ope,L0,ope0,ope1,L0a,L1a,i,D1: K1:=max(seq((2+D1)*(1+k-D1),D1=0..k))+8: L:= qnwdK(S,K1,q): L0:=subs(q=1, L): L1:=[seq(subs(q=1, diff(L[i],q)),i=1..nops(L))]: ope0:=Findrec(L0,n,N,k): if ope0=FAIL then print(`can't find recurrence`): RETURN(FAIL): fi: L0a:=SeqFromRec(ope0,n,N,[op(,N),L0)],K2): ope1:=Findrec(L1,n,N,k): if ope1=FAIL then print(`can't find recurrence for derivative`): RETURN(FAIL): fi: L1a:=SeqFromRec(ope1,n,N,[op(,N),L1)],K2): [ope0,ope1,seq(evalf(L1a[i]/L0a[i]),i=nops(L1a)-40..nops(L1a))]: end: #################### From Findrec.txt #################### #findrec(f,DEGREE,ORDER,n,N): guesses a recurrence operator annihilating #the sequence f of degree DEGREE and order ORDER #For example, try: findrec([seq(i,i=1..10)],0,2,n,N); findrec:=proc(f,DEGREE,ORDER,n,N) local ope,var,eq,i,j,n0,kv,var1,eq1,mu,a: option remember: if not findrecEx(f,DEGREE,ORDER,ithprime(20)) then RETURN(FAIL): fi: if not findrecEx(f,DEGREE,ORDER,ithprime(40)) then RETURN(FAIL): fi: if not findrecEx(f,DEGREE,ORDER,ithprime(80)) then RETURN(FAIL): fi: if (1+DEGREE)*(1+ORDER)+5+ORDER>nops(f) then ERROR(`Insufficient data for a recurrence of order`,ORDER, `degree`,DEGREE): fi: ope:=0: var:={}: for i from 0 to ORDER do for j from 0 to DEGREE do ope:=ope+a[i,j]*n^j*N^i: var:=var union {a[i,j]}: od: od: eq:={}: for n0 from 1 to (1+DEGREE)*(1+ORDER)+4 do eq1:=0: for i from 0 to ORDER do eq1:=eq1+subs(n=n0,coeff(ope,N,i))*op(n0+i,f): od: eq:= eq union {eq1}: od: var1:=solve(eq,var): kv:={}: for i from 1 to nops(var1) do mu:=op(i,var1): if op(1,mu)=op(2,mu) then kv:= kv union {op(1,mu)}: fi: od: ope:=subs(var1,ope): if ope=0 then RETURN(FAIL): fi: ope:={seq(coeff(expand(ope),kv[i],1),i=1..nops(kv))} minus {0}: if nops(ope)>1 then RETURN(Yafe(ope[1],N)[2]): elif nops(ope)=1 then RETURN(Yafe(ope[1],N)[2]): else RETURN(FAIL): fi: end: Yafe:=proc(ope,N) local i,ope1,coe1,L: if ope=0 then RETURN(1,0): fi: ope1:=expand(ope): L:=degree(ope1,N): coe1:=coeff(ope1,N,L): ope1:=normal(ope1/coe1): ope1:=normal(ope1): ope1:= convert( [seq(factor(coeff(ope1,N,i))*N^i,i=ldegree(ope1,N),N))],`+`): factor(coe1),ope1: end: #Findrec(f,n,N,MaxC): Given a list f tries to find a linear recurrence equation with #poly coffs. #of maximum DEGREE+ORDER<=MaxC #e.g. try Findrec([1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89],n,N,2); Findrec:=proc(f,n,N,MaxC) local DEGREE, ORDER,ope,L: for L from 0 to MaxC do for ORDER from 1 to L do DEGREE:=L-ORDER: if (2+DEGREE)*(1+ORDER)+4>=nops(f) then print(`Insufficient data for degree`, DEGREE, `and order `,ORDER): RETURN(FAIL): fi: ope:=findrec([op(1..(2+DEGREE)*(1+ORDER)+4,f)],DEGREE,ORDER,n,N): if ope<>FAIL then RETURN(ope): fi: od: od: FAIL: end: #SeqFromRec(ope,n,N,Ini,K): Given the first L-1 #terms of the sequence Ini=[f(1), ..., f(L-1)] #satisfied by the recurrence ope(n,N)f(n)=0 #extends it to the first K values SeqFromRec:=proc(ope,n,N,Ini,K) local ope1,gu,L,n1,j1: ope1:=Yafe(ope,N)[2]: L:=degree(ope1,N): if nops(Ini)<>L then ERROR(`Ini should be of length`, L): fi: ope1:=expand(subs(n=n-L,ope1)/N^L): gu:=Ini: for n1 from nops(Ini)+1 to K do gu:=[op(gu), -add(gu[nops(gu)+1-j1]*subs(n=n1,coeff(ope1,N,-j1)), j1=1..L)]: od: gu: end: #end Findrec with(linalg): #findrecEx(f,DEGREE,ORDER,m1): Explores whether thre #is a good chance that there is a recurrence of degree DEGREE #and order ORDER, using the prime m1 #For example, try: findrecEx([seq(i,i=1..10)],0,2,n,N,1003); findrecEx:=proc(f,DEGREE,ORDER,m1) local ope,var,eq,i,j,n0,eq1,a,A1, D1,E1,Eq,Var,f1,n,N: option remember: f1:=f mod m1: if (1+DEGREE)*(1+ORDER)+5+ORDER>nops(f) then ERROR(`Insufficient data for a recurrence of order`,ORDER, `degree`,DEGREE): fi: ope:=0: var:={}: for i from 0 to ORDER do for j from 0 to DEGREE do ope:=ope+a[i,j]*n^j*N^i: var:=var union {a[i,j]}: od: od: eq:={}: for n0 from 1 to (1+DEGREE)*(1+ORDER)+4 do eq1:=0: for i from 0 to ORDER do eq1:=eq1+subs(n=n0,coeff(ope,N,i))*op(n0+i,f1) mod m1: od: eq:= eq union {eq1}: od: Eq:= convert(eq,list): Var:= convert(var,list): D1:=nops(Var): E1:=nops(Eq): if E10 then RETURN(false): fi: if E1-D1>=1 then for j from 1 to nops(Var) do A1[D1,j]:=coeff(Eq[D1+1],Var[j]): od: if det(A1) mod m1 <>0 then RETURN(false): fi: fi: if E1-D1>=2 then for j from 1 to nops(Var) do A1[D1,j]:=coeff(Eq[D1+2],Var[j]): od: if det(A1) mod m1 <>0 then RETURN(false): fi: fi: true: end: ####### From qFindRec.txt by Doron Zeilberger ######## #qFR1(L,deg1,ord1,q,n,N): inputs a list L of polynomials (or rational functions) in q, and non-negative integers #deg1 and ord1 tries to find an operator ope(q,q^n,N) annihilating L. Try #qFR1([seq(q^(i1^2),i1=1..10)],1,2,q,n,N); qFR1:=proc(L,deg1,ord1,q,n,N) local a,ope,var,i,j,eq,eq1,hal,i1,n1,lu,hal1,lu1: if nops(L)<= (ord1+1)*(deg1+2)+3 then print(`The list is too short, it has `, nops(L), `terms but it should have at least`, (ord1+1)*(deg1+2)+3, `terms .` ): RETURN(FAIL): fi: ope:=add(add(a[i,j]*(q^(n*i))*N^j,i=0..deg1),j=0..ord1): var:={seq(seq(a[i,j],i=0..deg1),j=0..ord1)}: eq:=expand({seq(add(subs(n=n1,coeff(ope,N,i1))*L[n1+i1],i1=0..ord1),n1=1..(ord1+1)*(deg1+1)+3 ) }): eq1:=subs(q=2,eq): hal:=solve(eq1,var): if expand(subs(hal,ope))=0 then RETURN(FAIL): else print(`There is hope for a recurrence of order`, ord1, `and degree`, deg1): fi: hal:=solve(eq,var): if expand(subs(hal,ope))=0 then RETURN(FAIL): fi: lu:={}: for hal1 in hal do if op(1,hal1)=op(2,hal1) then lu:=lu union {op(1,hal1)}: fi: od: if nops(lu)>1 then print(`Non unique solution`): RETURN({seq(coeff(ope,lu1,1),lu1 in lu)}): fi: ope:=subs(hal,ope): ope:=subs(lu[1]=1,ope): if normal(expand({seq(add(subs(n=n1,coeff(ope,N,i1))*L[n1+i1],i1=0..ord1),n1=(ord1+1)*(deg1+1)+3..nops(L)-ord1 ) }))<>{0} then print(ope, `did not work out`): RETURN(FAIL): fi: add(factor(coeff(ope,N,i1))*N^i1,i1=0..ord1): end: #qFR(L,q,n,N,C): inputs a list L of polynomials (or rational functions) in q, and non-negative integers # tries to find an operator ope(q,q^n,N) of degree deg1 and order ord1 such that deg1+ord1<=C #annihilating L. or returns FAIL. L must be at least of length (C+3)^2/4+4. Try #qFR([seq(q^(i1^2),i1=1..10)],q,n,N,3); qFR:=proc(L,q,n,N,C) local ope, ord1,deg1,C1: if nops(L)< (C+3)^2/4+4 then print(`L must be at least of length`, trunc((C+3)^2/4+4)): RETURN(FAIL): fi: for C1 from 1 to C do for ord1 from 1 to C1 do deg1:=C1-ord1: ope:=qFR1(L,deg1,ord1,q,n,N): if ope<>FAIL then RETURN(ope): fi: od: od: FAIL: end: #Stat(F,t,K): Given a generating function F of t, for a r.v. finds the statistical information. Try: #Stat((1_t)^10000,4); Stat:=proc(F,t,K) local gu,mu,sd,k,f: f:=evalf(F/subs(t=1,F)): mu:=subs(t=1,diff(f,t)): gu:=[mu]: f:=f/t^mu: f:=t*diff(t*diff(f,t),t): sd:=sqrt(subs(t=1,f)): gu:=[op(gu),sd]: for k from 3 to K do f:=t*diff(f,t): gu:=[op(gu),subs(t=1,f)/sd^k]: od: gu: end: #empir(gu,degx,degP,x,P) #to "fit" an algebraic equation F(P(x),x)=0 of degree #degP in P(x) and degx in n for P(x):=sum_i gu[i]*x^i empir:=proc(gu,degx,degP,x,P) local i1,i2,F,a,cand,lu,eq,var,mu,flo,pip: if (1+degx)*(1+degP) > nops(gu)-3 then RETURN(`sequence too small`): fi: F:=0: var:={}: for i1 from 0 to degx do for i2 from 0 to degP do F:=F+a[i1,i2]*x^i1*P^i2: var:=var union {a[i1,i2]}: od: od: cand:=0: for i1 from 0 to nops(gu)-1 do cand:=cand+op(i1+1,gu)*x^i1: od: lu:=subs(P=cand,F): lu:=taylor(lu,x=0,nops(gu)-1): eq:={}: for i1 from 0 to nops(gu)-2 do eq:=eq union {coeff(lu,x,i1)=0} od: mu:=solve(eq,var): F:=subs(mu,F): if F=0 then RETURN(0): fi: flo:=degree(F,P): pip:=coeff(F,P,flo): flo:=degree(pip,x): pip:=coeff(pip,x,flo): F:=F/pip: normal(F): end: #Empir(L,x,P): Guesses an algebraic equation Empir:=proc(gu,x,P) local degx,degP,L,lu,i: for L from 1 to (nops(gu)-3)/3 do for degP from 1 to L do for degx from 0 to min(trunc((nops(gu)-3)/(1+degP))-1,L-degP) do lu:=empir(gu,degx,degP,x,P): if lu<>0 then lu:=add(factor(coeff(lu,P,i))*P^i,,P)): RETURN(lu): fi: od: od: od: 0: end: